Vaccine Hesitancy

How America’s trust issues are illustrated in our public health data.

Renee Dubeau


Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

The experts agree, the way to achieve herd immunity for Coronavirus in the United States is for everyone to get vaccinated. Programs are rolling out all over the country to get the vaccine out to the public, but the reception has been surprisingly mixed.

A pharmacist was fired from a Wisconsin hospital and later arrested for destroying 500 doses of the vaccine in December. Why on earth would a hospital employee do such a thing?

It may surprise you to know that 15% of healthcare workers — doctors, nurses, EMS and others right on the frontline — are refusing to get vaccinated for Covid-19. If the healthcare community is not completely on board with getting vaccinated, how can we expect the greater population to get there?

Misinformation has been a huge barrier in managing the Covid crisis. There are still people walking around today who believe this is all a hoax. We’ve seen stories in the news from nurses who say people’s dying words were, “this can’t be real” or something to that effect. Even as they lay dying of Covid, people refuse to accept that the reality they believed in doesn’t match with their experience.

On a scale from “Covid is not real” to “Bill Gates is microchipping us” there are…



Renee Dubeau

Creative Nonfiction Author, Mental Health First Aid, Healthcare Access Freak & Social Justice Renegade.